Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's Photo Time!

Hi, all (yes, I'm talking to all 2 of you!),

I'm having fun trying to figure out how to make my blog "cooler", so I'm going to try playing around with posting pictures. So, here goes nothing...

My favorite season is fall. I love the changing of leaves, the cooler temps, the smell of cider...I pretty much love anything associated with this time of year! Today, I decided to break out some of my fall decorations. Here is something I threw together for a simple and inexpensive centerpiece for my dining room table.

I have held onto this hurricane shade for years, thinking that I would someday have a use for it. Well, friends, that day has come. Here is the plain Jane shade:

Then, you add a taper candle and holder that you purchase at Hobby Lobby for 50% off!

While you're at the Hobby Lobby, pick up one of those handy dandy candle rings for 50% off, too. Ya gotta love the deals at the Hobby Lobby! My heart starts racing and life gets a little happier when I enter that store!

Put 'em all together, and voila!!! :) A happy, cheap centerpiece!

Now, that makes me even more excited for fall to come. While I'm working on getting the hang of posting pictures, these next two are for my friend Jeanne. I bought a tassel from Susie Harris. She has the sweetest blog with the most wonderful projects to do. Anyway, I fell in love with her and her tassels and had to buy one! So, I did. Here is my tassel. Her name is "Miss Fancy", and no, I didn't name her. Susie did! She was great to buy from, and the packaging was amazing with handcrafted tags and a handwritten thank you note. So sweet. So, I shared my love of the tassel with Jeanne, and she now owns one from the Nester, another fabulous tasseller (is that a word?). I love me some tassels, and I WILL learn how to make them. You just wait!!
Here is Miss Fancy...she is hanging in our master bedroom in all her robin's egg blue and chocolate brown glory!

Now, for the two of you reading, could you give me some advice? I have this picture frame a friend gave me two Christmases ago, but I want to use it for something besides pictures. The three openings are 3x3 each, so they don't allow for very large items. I was thinking of using something with scrapbook papers or embellishments. Any suggestions? Take a looksie. Then, drop me a comment and let me know what you think. Thanks!

One more thing...I have decided not to use our whole names on this blog in order to protect the kids from any yucky people who may be lingering out there in cyberspace. Since our initials spell out a portion of the alphabet (J, K, L, M, and N), I decided I will call us by those instead of our names. Thanks for understanding!

Thanks for dropping in!

K :)


nana said...

Awwwww! Nana is famous! Thanks for the smile ~ love your new blog! You so know that I will now be commenting every day!

Nancy Rosalina said...

Hi K...Thanks for coming by my blog a days ago and for leaving a comment! I guess your new to blogging and so am I...but the more visit and leave comments, then others will come to visit you...also be sure and start you a favorite blog list...if you haven't already, that is. Add all your favorites to that list, let them know that they have been added and they will add you. You will also learn alot about blogging, from other blogs. Your off to a great start...I will add you to my blog list.
That's a great picture frame...I like the scrapbook paper can even print your initals on the scrapbook paper and that would be real cute. Blessings, Nancy

Brittany said...

your blog is awesome!! i am slackin on mine. i have an idea for your picture frames. what if you got some different kinds of homemade paper or maybe some light colored pastel or neutral metallic paper then put those in there along with some cool pressed flowers.

nana said...

Helloooooooo! Are you still there? Your public is waiting for more updates! Don't leave your sista's hangin' like this! Don't forget to bring you tassle to dance, k?

Katie said...

I would defiantly use the scrap book paper underneath. Use the damask print or toile in black and white, I think that would look great and not take away fromt he picture. Thanks for stopping by!!! Your kids are so cute!