Ten Quirky Things About Me!
1. I am only 8 months older than my brother. How does that work, you ask? I was adopted! When I was born (in January 1976), my mom was a month pregnant with my brother, who was born the following September!
2. I have my left ear pierced 3 times and my right ear pierced twice. Ah, college. The double (and triple) piercings have almost fully grown back. I also had the cartledge of my ear pierced (also in college).
3. I have a freckle on my right pinky finger, and my son has a freckle in the same exact spot. Weird, huh?
4. I located my birth family a few years ago and discovered that my birth mother went to the same middle and high school that I did. She also attended elementary school at the same school my daughter currently attends. Small world!
5. I have a major fear of cotton! The feel of it is like nails across a chalkboard for me. My freshman year of college, 2 of my friends opened up a pill bottle, took out the cotton in the top, and chased me around their dorm room with it. I absolutely cannot stand the feel of it!
6. I only got one wisdom tooth. The rest never came in. I must not be very wise, huh?
7. I sleep with my ceiling fan on high most of the year. During the super cold winter months, I usually keep it on low or medium. NEVER OFF! Ask my dear Jon how much he loves this trait about me!
8. I hate being tickled under my chin or in my neck area. My dad does this thing where he tickles me there and says "Chuck-a-chin! Chuck-a-chin!". I have no idea where that comes from!
9. I can't stand the sound or sight of someone chewing with their mouth wide open. It absolutely makes me sick!
10. I hate crooked pictures! I simply must straighten them.
Ok, now to further borrow a blog idea, I'd love for you to leave a comment letting me know your most quirky trait! It'll be one big quirky par-tay!
P.S. Thanks for the great ideas about how to do my frame! I'm going to head to Hobby Lobby this week for some scrapbook paper! :) Fun fun!